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Faculty of Languages & Literature

African Verbal and Visual Arts B.A. & M.A.

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2024 Summer Semester Schedule

2024 Summer Semester Schedule

For more information, please find it in the attachment here.  ...more

Update: AVVA Student Projects

Update: AVVA Student Projects

In the "Current Trends in Research" course (taught by Monika Rohmer) and "The Linguistic Landscapes of Africa" (taught by Prof. Dr. Andrew Harvey ) from the winter semester of 2022/23, students were encouraged to develop their own projects. To find more, please visit   ...more

Warm welcome to our new colleague Andrew Harvey

Warm welcome to our new colleague Andrew Harvey

We warmly welcome our new colleague Prof. Dr. Andrew Harvey to the department of African languages and literatures,  ...more

Use of library

Use of library

Use of library: information for first-time library users can be found here: ub.uni-bayreuth.de/en/hinweise_fuer/erstnutzer/index.html  ...more

Support for International Students

Support for International Students

The faculty of Languages and Literatures offers logistic support and information as well as networking opportunities for international students under the following link  ...more

​African Verbal and Visual Arts: Languages, Literatures, Media and Art

Are you searching for a place where the African continent’s enormous creative power is studied? Where the richness of African languages and artistic developments is analysed and investigated in a scholarly way?

In the AVVA programme (BA and MA) we offer theoretical, methodological and practical tools for study, which prepare the student to critically engage with the perspectives needed to deal with African cultural milieus, ideas and forms of expression.

The innovative, multidisciplinary and market-oriented bachelor’s programme African Verbal and Visual Arts (AVVA) is a solid starting point towards understanding the intricacies of the African continent and building expertise in African studies.

The master’s programme African Verbal and Visual Arts: Languages, Literatures Media and Art (AVVA) offers a thorough, cross-disciplinary treatment of current, research-oriented topics in African linguistics, African literatures, African media, art and curational studies. 


The Bachelor of Arts programme African Verbal and Visual Arts (AVVA) offers insights into the scholarly fields of African languages, African literatures, African arts, and media in Africa...more


The Master’s programme African Visual and Verbal Arts is a development from the former Master’s programme African Language Studies, which had an exclusive focus on African Linguistics and Swahili Studies... more

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